


Friday, 4 June 2004: Deadline for Receipt of

  1. pdf file of manuscript
  2. three copies of manuscript
  3. Transfer of Copyright Form
  4. Reprint Order Form

Note: It will make our lives easier if you mail items 2, 3, and 4 together.

Friday, 20 August 2004: (only if revisions are required for your manuscript) Deadline for Receipt of:

  1. pdf file of revised manuscript


Transfer of Copyright Form - REQUIRED

  1. download the pdf file.
  2. Only one Transfer of Copyright Form, with the signature of one author, is required per paper.
  3. Your article cannot be published without the signed original Transfer of Copyright Form, so...
  4. You must mail the original signed copy.

Reprint Order Form - OPTIONAL

  1. download the pdf file.
  2. Submit this form the QFS Guest Editor, if reprints are desired.
  3. This form can be mailed or faxed.


General instructions

  1. All manuscripts, forms, and related communications should be sent to the QFS Guest Editor at the address and email listed below. Please do not send anything to JLTP or Kluwer/Plenum Press.
  2. All submitted copies of the manuscript, both hardcopy and pdf files, must be camera-ready, prepared according to the instructions in the "Manuscript Preparation Instructions" section below.

pdf File

  1. It is the authors' responsibility that the pdf is properly checked for font problems, fuzzy graphics, etc.
  2. Send your pdf file exclusively using our web form (available from April 16).

Manuscript Hardcopies and Forms

  1. The copies of the manuscript must be of high quality, preferably laser-printed originals.
  2. Use either 8.5'11 inch paper or A4 paper.
  3. Print single-sided.
  4. Mail the forms and hardcopies to:
	Francesco Pederiva
	QFS 2004 Guest Editor
	Dipartimento di Fisica
	Universita' di Trento
	via Sommarive, 14
	I-38050 Povo, Trento (Italy)
	( Tel:  +39-0461-88-2089  - Fax:  +39-0461-88-1696 )


General Instructions

  1. Manuscripts must be prepared in camera-ready form according to JLTP guidelines using the LaTeX template and style files available at official JLTP web site. Note that although there is no figure in the output of the example file, the .tex file has the figure statements in it, they are just commented out.
  2. Do not submit your LaTeX or figure files. Submit only the camera-ready hardcopies and .pdf file generated from your LaTeX and figure files. Both the hardcopies and the .pdf file are required for submission.
  3. You must use the standard JLTP font sizes. If you reduce the font size to stay within the page limit, the manuscript will be rejected.
  4. The submitted hardcopies of the manuscript must be of high quality (preferably laser-printed originals), single-sided, on either 8.5'11 inch paper or A4 paper.

Maximum Page Count

  1. Contributed oral and poster presentations: 6 pages
  2. Invited presentations: 10 pages

Helpful Notes from an Editor of JLTP (not quite verbatim)

  1. General information on the Journal of Low Temperature Physics and on the preparation in the JLTP camera-ready format can be obtained from this page.
  2. Authors must make their own choice of words for the "running header" on the camera-ready manuscript, since the choice of desired words is a personal one and cannot be automated. Authors should remember to put a running header on the camera-ready manuscript, otherwise Plenum does this, which causes delays.
  3. Check that the camera-ready copies are the laser-printed originals, and not some poorly reproduced copies with faint text and figures, rendering them unacceptable.
  4. Figures should be included within the text, not at the end of the text.
  5. In the printed JLTP issue, the size of the submitted pages will be reduced by roughly 15%. It is therefore important that the lettering and numbers in the figures of the papers are typed large enough. Questions About Manuscript Preparation

Questions About Manuscript Preparation and Submission

Send e-mails to Francesco Pederiva, the Guest Editor for the Conference Proceedings, at qfsedt@science.unitn.it. Keep in mind that if you wait until the last minute it may be impossible for us to help you before the deadline.